Other projects

In 2016 I finished a completely new project: the copying by hand of the complete original version of Umberto Eco's famous novel Il nome della rosa. Here you can watch a short video about the project, Italian spoken, with English subtitles.

In 2009 I copied one chapter from The Lord of the Rings, that's to say chapter 2 of The Fellowship of the Ring: The Shadow of the Past. The reason I picked that particular chapter is because it contains some lines in Elvish writing. I liked the idea of having a sample of that in my copy. The script I applied is more or less based on the so called foundational hand, developed about a century ago by the renowned Edward Johnston (1872-1944). It is far more time consuming than the one I used copying The Hobbit, so I immediately abandoned any plans of copying all of The Lord in that manner. It simply would take years to complete.
The writing was done with a number 3 Mitchell roundhand nib and yellow gouache paint on (cheap) black paper. As ruling on black paper is a bit problematic, I decided to do without, which accounts for the slight or sometimes heavy undulation in places, like the opening page. I have no clips of the process, but I can show you some scans including the one with the Elvish fragment.

1. Opening page

2. The Elvish lines
3. Detail